Posts Tagged ‘ Black and White ’

Ahhhhh Japan~

First thing’s first. IT’S BLEEPIN HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTT. x_____X it’s 8 in the morning, and I’m just sitting here typing away and I’m sweating away…. KILLLLL MEH.
I left Hawaii on July 12, and some of my friends came to see me off. I tried the Hawaiian crossword one of my friends got me… it’s barely Hawaiian, and it’s freakin haaaaard. Well, I’ve never been too great at crosswords… But I thought since it’s “Hawaiian”, it’ll be doable. Apparently not. I also got to see my friend from Oahu, and we got to talk for a good 30 minutes or so ^^. Then on the JAL flight, the lady next to me slept most of the way here except for during meals. I wish she slept through lunch… She spilled her tea on my left foot, so my sock was soaked. Good thing I was just wearing crocs though. So when I got to my grandparent’s house, my cousin asked why I only had one sock on x)
Ok, so this is my 3rd day in Japan, and I already did so much. The first day, my mom dragged me to the…office of residency? But yeah, I got my residency switched over from America to Japan… Now if I want to go back… I have to go as a visitor that can only stay for 30 days at a time… D: Then I went to a local festival and pigged out x)
Second day, I watched HARRY POTTER<3 I have been a Harry Potter fan since elementary, and I was so bummed when my dad told me that I'm leaving Hawaii on the 12th, when I could've gone to see the midnight premier with my friends on the 15th. But since I saw it here, I got to watch it before any of my friends, even the one who's visiting California right now x) boooyahhh winnerrrr x)
Third day. In a little while, I'm off to see the Pokemon movie, both black and white. …pokenerd for life… x) I hope I don't see any of my friends here… just a tad embarrassing x) But oh well. Oh, and in order for me to get the pokemon (you get a pokemon as a present when you go watch), I think I'm gonna go buy either Black or White. My goodness it takes forever to grow out of Pokemon! x) I don't know if I ever will x)

Maybe I'll add pictures later, and I'll most likely post an entry about my last several days in Hawaii later~
But for the time being, toooootles~

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